I am in fourth semester now. I have been studied in English Letter Department for two years. Few days later English Letter will celebrate its anniversary. I heard that English Letter is the oldest. My wish for English Letter is I hope English Letter can better in everything. I also heard that some lecturers ever studied in abroad for a few year. I hope they can share with us about their experiences when they were studied in abroad. Although when hear their story we will envy, but it also can make motivated us to study in abroad. They also can tell us the differences between study in own country and in abroad. The system, procedurs and environment must be different. I wish they can motivated us to do the same thing like them, study in abroad. I know it is not the easy one but I hope the lecturer can help us. As an English Letter Department student, I feel my english is not really good. I hope the lecturer can help me to improve my english and help me to increase my ability in speaking english so that I can study in abroad. I wish I could.
I also hope the lecturers can more diligent and enthusiasm when they teach us. I don’t mean to say that the lecturers are lazy and not enthusiasm when they teach us. They are have a skill to teach us well. I think the English Letter Departement should make a new program study. I believe English Letter can make something new for the students. As an English Letter Department, using english just in the class sometimes can make us boring and not really effective. In the class, we learn the theory how to speak english well, learning about grammar and everything. But when we practice to speak english in the class with friends or the lecturer, we can do it well. Practice speak english in outside like in hotel or restaurant maybe will make us motivated to try hard speak english. It also can motivated us to learn english well. If you are an english letter department but you can’t speak english well, you must be ashame with yourself. When you speak english outside with other people but we can’t speak well, we won’t be proud of ourshelves. That’s why practice our english in outside can make us know how good our english are and can motivated us to speak better. Learning english is not just a theory but also we have to apply and practice it in outside.
In short, my wish for English Letter Department is can give us new method and something fresh which can make us enthusiasm in learning english. Practicing our english out of class in needed to know how far we can matered english.
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