I'm getting old day by day. lol~

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

never can say good bye :'(

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, June 24, 2011

Remembering Michael Jackson

It’s been 2 years since The King of Pop left us. Do you miss him? Yes, I do I miss him a lot. Hari ini 101 jak fm muterin lagu-lagu Mike dari jam 12 malem tadi sampe jam 12 malem nanti. Waaaahhh today is full with Michael Jackson, today is Michael’s day. 2 tahun setelah kepergian mike kira-kira apa yang terjadi ama anak-anaknya ya? Bisa bertahan sejauh ini tanpa seorang ayah kaya Mike. Mike emang sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget ama Prince, Paris dan Blanket (semua orang tua emang sayang ama anak-anaknya ya? Hehehe). Jujur aja waktu nonton funeral Mike 2 tahun lalu di TV gue nangis loh apalagi pas Paris ngomong makin pecah deh tangisan gue. Sedih banget rasanya dan ngerasa kehilangan juga pastinya. Walaupun orangnya udah ga ada tapi gossip-gosip yang ga jelas masih aja bertebaran dan itu bikin gue kesel. Contohnya pas awal-awal Mike meninggal katanya arwahnya gentayangan di sekitar Neverland. Gue udah liat videonya sih yang bayangan di lorong itu sama pas Jermine di interview di Neverland. Pas Jermine di interview di Neverland itu, di belakangnya ada sesosok bayangan Mike dan emang jelas banget kalo itu Mike tapi kalo untuk masalah ini gue sendiri percaya ga percaya sih sebenernya. Trus ada gossip juga yang bilang kalo kematian Mike itu HOAX!!!! Mike pura-pura meninggal buat menghindari utang-utangnya dan hijrah ke negara lain buat menghindari utang dan gossip-gosip miringnya dan ada juga orang yang diduga sebagai Michael Jackson tapi gue lupa namanya siapa. Jadi ada orang yang dianggap itu sebagai Mike yang udah oplas trus di wawancara di salah satu stasiun TV. Mukanya sih penuh sama luka bakar dan suaranya kalo kata gue emang rada mirip ama Mike tapi ga sama! Orang itu bilang dia emang kenal ama Mike dan nganggep Mike itu sebagai pamannya. Waaah!! Lama-lama bisa gila gue denger gossip ga mutu itu. Untuk masalah yang satu ini gue sama sekali ga percaya! Kenapa? Karena gue piker Mike ga mungkin ngelakuin hal bodoh kaya gitu. Gini deh, Mike bisa aja ninggalin dunia hiburan, berhenti nyanyi, ngedance,menghibur fansnya, bikin lagu dan sebagainya walaupun Mike emang cinta banget ama dunia itu walaupun berat tapi ada kemungkinan dia ngelakuin itu, melepas gelarnya sebagai King of Pop. Kalo emang Mike pura-pura meninggal untuk tujuan semua itu, okelah Mike bisa lolos dari masalah-masalah tadi tapi satu yang ga bisa dia hindari yaitu anak-anaknya yang amat sangat dia cintai. Kaya yag tadi gue udah bilang Mike mungkin mampu melepas segala popularitas dan gelarnya sebagai the one and only the king of pop tapi dia ga akan sanggup buat ninggalin dan hidup tanpa anak-anaknya. Anggaplah sekarang Mike emang masih hidup dan tinggal di suatu tempat tapi dia masih ngatur jadwal buat bisa ketemu ama Prince, Paris dan Blanket. Apa wartawan lama-lama ga akan curiga? Apa mereka ga akan tahu? Penciuman wartawan tuh tajam banget dan gue rasa lama kelamaan hal itu bisa tercium ama para wartawan. Hal terkecil tentang Mike aja bisa kecium ama para wartawan apalagi hal serius kaya gitu. Trus buat apa keluarganya bikin acara funeral yang b dihadiri orang banyak dan orang-orang terkenal dan juga disiarin di TV? Bahkan beberapa stasiun TV Indonesia juga ikut nayangin. Kalo emang meninggalnya Mike itu rekayasa, berarti keluarganya udah ngelakuin pembohongan publik dong? Apa mereka ga mikir kalo suatu saat ditemuin fakta kalo Mike itu masih hidup, apakah Mike bisa diterima di masyarakat luas setelah pembohongan besar-besaran itu? I don’t think so. Gue rasa Mike dan keluarganya ga akan ngelakuin hal konyol itu. Itulah sebabnya gue ga percaya ama berita itu. Dia bahkan bikin lagu khusus buat anak-anaknya yang judulnya You are my life di album invisible nya. Pas denger lagu itu gue bisa ngerasain betapa besar rasa sayang dan cintanya Mike buat anak-anaknya dan di lagu itu nunjukin kalo selama ada anak-anaknya dia bisa survive. Dia sayang banget ama anak-anaknya. Walaupun harus berat mengakui tapi gue percaya Mike emang udah pergi ke Surga.amiiin. Trus teka teki tentang agamanya. Tapi ga tau kenapa dang a tau dari mana keyakinan itu muncul, gue yakin dan percaya kalo Mike itu udah meluk islam jadi pas dia meninggal, dia meninggal dalam keadaan islam. Di keluarganya yang islam itu Cuma kakaknya, Jermine nah Jermine itu sering ngasih buku-buku tentang islam ke Mike dan menurut Jermine, Mike itu sering nanya tentang islam ke dia. Kalo emang Mike emang ga tertarik ama islam kayanya ga perlu juga Mike banyak nanya tentang islam ke kakaknya. Trus gosip yang bilang katanya 3 anaknya itu bukan anak kandungnya dan segala macemnya.

Barusan penyanyi Marcel ngasih komentar tentang Michael Jakcson. Dia bilang Mike itu manusia stengah dewa dan musisi yang jenius karena dia tau banget apa yang dia mau buat musiknya. Gue setuju banget ama Marcel. Mike itu hatinya lembut banget dan sangat sangat sangat menyayangi anak-anak. Sampe-sampe dia sering ngundang anak-anak buat main di Neverland sepuasnya dan bahkan mereka boleh nginep di sana. Waktu itu anak-anak itu pada nginep di Neverland dan mereka tidur di kamar Mike. Dengan senang hati Mike mempersilahkan mereka untuk tidur di kasurnya dan dia sendiri malah tidur di lantai. Itu salah satu sikap yang menyentuh hati gue. Mike itu kehilangan masa anak-anaknya makanya dia ga mau anak-anak lain ngerasain hal yang sama kaya dia itulah sebabnya dia care banget ama anak-anak. Di setiap konsernya pas nyanyi heal the world pasti ada anak-anak dari yang normal ampe yang cacat. Ah pokoknya dia sayang banget deh ama yang namanya anak-anak, binatang dan planet ini. Pas dia konser, dia ngeliat serangga di panggungnya trus dia bilang ama salah satu crewnya kira-kira ngomongnya gini “ hey, itu ada serangga tolong dipindahin” trus salah satu crewnya masuk panggung trus nginjek serangganya dan akhirnya serangga mati trus Mike bilang “ aku bilang kan dipindahin bukan dimatiin. Kenapa kamu nginjek serangganya?” dia ngomong gitu sambil senyum ke crewnya dan sang crew Cuma cengar-cengir. Pas liat kejadian itu gue tuh melongo dan bertanya-tanya “ya Allah ini manusia apa malaikat? Kok ada orang sebaik ini? Sampe-sampe dia ga mau menyakiti seekor seranggapun”. Mungkin Mike nyuruh crew mindahin serangga itu supaya ga keinjek ama dia tapi crewnya malah nginjek serangga itu. Aduuuh sumpah deh Mike itu bener-bener manusia setengah dewa. Kepeduliannya sama bumi ini juga ditunjukin lewat lagu earth song sama puisi planet earth. Trus pas latihan buat konser THIS IS IT nya salah satu keyboardisnya nyoba buat bikin lagu the way you make me feel kedengeran lebih ngejazz tapi mike bilang “ ga usah. Ga usah diubah tetep mainin di chord yang sama dan biarin terdengar nge-pop karena saya jalur saya emang pop jadi biarin begitu aja” trus keyboardisnya bilang “ oke mike, I’m sorry” trus mike malah gapapa dan dia malah memuji keyboardisnya itu. Kalo kata gue hal itu emang nunjukin konsistensinya sebagai musisi. Kalo udah ngomonging Mike kayanya gue ga bisa berhenti deh.hehehe banyak yang bisa dipelajari dari seorang Michael Jackson dan banyak juga yang kehilangan sosok the king of pop. There’s only one king, Michael Jackson!

You’ve gone mike but your music still life with us. You left your legacy in this earth. I love you and miss you a lot mike. I love you more MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON and rest in peace out there daddy. Love yaaaa

video ini yang bikin tangisan gue maikn pecah

Friday, June 17, 2011

22. Smoking

Smoking is extremely dangerous for your health and can kill you slowly but sure. Some people said that life is choice. It means you can choose being healthy or not. If you love your body and want to have a healthy life, you should avoid to smoking but if you don’t, please continue to smoking. I believe that some people know the bad risks of smoking but why don’t they stop to smoking? For some people who continue to smoke or for people who are thinking about smoking, the facts about how this bad habit can damage your health maybe can change your mind to stop smoking. Smoking is just wasting your money, make your body unhealthy and disturb other people.

First, when you buy a smoke pack it means you are wasting your money, you burn your money. let’s say the price of smoke pack is Rp. 8.000 wheares you mother just give you Rp. 10.000, if you use your money to buy a smoke pack, you better use your money to other necessary. You can use your 8.000 to buy drink and food. If you go to school by public transportation, you also can use your 8.000 to pay the cost of public transportation or you can save your money.

Smoking is a bad habit that millions of people have. People who smoke increase their risk of developing various health problems. For example, cancer, bronchitis, cataract, respiratory illness, and many more diseases. Moreover, people who continue smoking can face numerous serious medical problems related to cigarette smoking, such as lung cancer, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and stroke. The smoke consists of so many chemical substances like nicotine, tar and many more. Some of these ingredients can cause cancer and other diseases that can be chronic and deadly to your body. Nicotine is the main addictive ingredient in cigarettes. In fact, nicotine indicates that a drug that causes stimulation as well as relaxation. Smoking causes many cancers, not just lung cancer but also causes cancer of the pharynx, pancreas, larynx, stomach, esophagus, and mouth. In addition to compared with people who don't smoke, people who smoke are easily to get lung cancer because smoking can kill you softly.

Besides unhealthy, smoking also can disturb other people. For example, when you are in public area such as in public transportation or in shelter bus. When you are waiting for the bus, of course not only you who are waiting fo bus. There are other people there. If you continue to smoking, it definitely will bother them. When you start to smoking, people around you who don’t smoke also can get bad impact from smoking because they are as passive smoker. The smoke of cigarette also dangerous for the passive smoker. As a passive smoker, inhale the smoke of cigarette is more dangerous because a passive smoker can’t filter the smoke wheares the active smoke can do that. Moreover, most of cancer victim is passive smoker.

While smoking is pleasurable and can make you relax but it is also unhealthy and unsafe. You can get many health impacts of smoking. The most dangerous and irreversible consequence of smoking is death. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of death around the world and also can damage your health.

In conclusion, smoking is not healthy and just make yourself full of diseases. So many diseases caused by smoking. From the evedidences shows that smoking is totally harmfull for your body and other people. Stop smoking from now because your health is the most valuable.

21. Reading Habit

Believe it or not there is a good habit that enhance your life, sharpen your mind, and bring you to a successful life. I believe that reading is one of a habit that if developed in a persons life will bring great satisfaction, and sense of accomplishment to the reader. Reading is a key towards civilization progress. Reading will help you to improve your knowledge, Improves creativity and Improves concentration and focus.

Most of us are aware that reading is important, but some people don’t do enough to encourage this habit. Reading habit has been a great help in developing knowledge. When you are reading, you will find the things that you don’t know before and by reading you you will know every little thing in this world. By reading we can know about the history of the great people who had live before we were born in this world and helps us know current tragedy in the world. More knowledgeable you are, smarter you are. Moreover, Reading improves a person’s knowledge about various fields of life. This knowledge base helps a person to make correct decisions in different situations of life.

By reading more books and exposing yourself to new and more complete information, you will also be able to come up with more creative ideas. As a personal example, I read many, many books on IT Networking. So often, when IT Admins are stumped with a problem, I can come up with a creative solution that isn’t written anywhere. Although I am not an IT student in college but I can solved the problem. The reason I can do that is because I have read so many books on the subject, I can combine lessons from all of them into new solutions. It’s clear that reading books can make you being a creative person.

Then reading also can improves your concentration and focus. Reading book takes brain power because reading book make you to use your brain to think. When you are reading book, it requires you to focus on what you are reading. Unlike magazines, Internet posts or e-Mails that contain small chunks of information. Books tell the whole story. So, when you are reading a novel for example you can read from the back, the middle or just at the beginning to know the whole story. You must read from the first until the end. It needs your concentration to understand the plot.

Nowdays, to improves your knowledge and creativity is not only by reading books but also it can from the internet or TV programme. However, those claims are not always true. If you searching about something in the internet maybe you will find what you are searching but do you know that all the things that written in internet is source from the books. It means that books provide you complete information about everything.

In conclusion, reading not only increases your knowledge but also let you to be a creative person and helps to concentration. Browsing in internet is not a wrong way but the facts tell us that books are more complete and reading also lead you to a success life.

20.Should we learn more than one language?

Language is used to communicate to other people it also helps us to express what we are feeling. There are so many language in this world. For example, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, English, French and others. Should we learn more than one language? some people say yes but some people say that mastered more than one language is much better. I prefer to learn more than language because it can be your skill for your life and make you easier to get a job.

Nowdays, not only an English Letter student who can speak english but also economic student, psychology student also can speak english. That the reason why we should learn more than one language. Can speak in more than one language is more impressing. If you plan to study at a foreign university, college or school, you'll need a good knowledge of the local language. For example, you want to study in France, so you must mastered French. It means before you go and stayed in France to study, you have to learn French in order to you won’t have any difficulties to commucite with your lecturers and friends. In addition, if you and some of your relatives, friends or colleagues speak a language that few people understand, you can talk freely. Learn more than one language can improve your skill in speaking in various language.

If you're considering any of the major professions-such as medicine, law or technology, knowing a second language guarantees your application get more attention. No matter what career you choose, a second language is always an asset. Communicate in another language are a golden commodity. Then if you've ever thought of being a nurse, a doctor, a police officer, a judge, an architect, a businessman, busnesswoman or a singer, you need to learn more than one language besides English. A person who knowing more than one language enhances opportunities in job. An employer will see you as a bridge to new clients or customers if you know a second language.

Some people claim learn and mastered one language is enough. Can speak english is enough because english an international language. On the other hand, knowing more than one language is much better than only know one language. Can speak more than one language can improve your chance to success in your school and career. If you can speak more than one language in your office, your boss will give more attention to you anf you’ll be his pride.

It the end, the facts are the reason why we should learn more than one language. it doesn’t matter if you only can speak one language but in this era, learn more than one language is a good idea to improve your success in life.

19. Korean Wave

Finally weekend has come. I will enjoy my weekend but before enjoy the weekend, I have to attend literature class first. My lecturer explain about prose today. I thought we will end the class three hours later but after the class ran for two hours, my lecturer ended the class. My friend and I have a appointment with Miss. Ira. She is Umi’s friend. She need our help to talking about K-Pop (Korean Pop). She is older than us and she is taking a master degree but I’m forget what the major that she takes. She wants to interview us about Korean idols and K-Pop for her thesis. Maybe her thesis has relationship with K-pop, so she asked us to talking about it.

She gave us some questions. She asked since when we knew about about K-pop then why we like it. We have different answers. Umi and Ninu knew it since she was in elementary school while Dwi and Zata since she was in junior school, Kiki since she was still in boarding school and me? I knew about Korean idols and K-pop since in the end of 2009. I am too late among them. They always said that I am a ‘ new comer’ in Korean wave. That’s the reason my knowledge about Korean idols and K-Pop is worst among them. She also aked us who is/are our idol/s? all of us have more than one idol. Our idols are come from K-Pop and K-drama (Korean drama). Then she continued asked us why do we like them? Of course our main anwer is same.it is because they are handsome and good looking but we have addition answers. The reason why do we like them is besides they are handsome, they also talented. Many of them not only can sing but also can acting or playing music instruments. For example, Noo Min Woo. He is one of my idol. He is ex drummer a band named Trax. He not only can playing drum well but also can play guitar, sing and piano. Besides he also good in acting. One of his famous drama is My Girlfriend is Gumiho. Then he also good in modeling.

Then they also can being MC and also can amusing people by their jokes. They have a good sense of humor. They know how to entertaining people. When they become a guest of TV show, they won’t look cool anymore like on the stage. They can being crazy, they make other people laugh until the audience’s stomach hurt. Talking about their fashion and style, we are absolutely like their fashion. They expert mix and match their apparent so that looks very cool and fashionable. They can be role model for the others. When I go to somewhere or watching television, I saw that many people become the follower for their style. I don’t know why whatever they wear, it will look so good and fashionable although they only wear a simple cloth. Apparently, not only me said so but my friends also said so. Actually I didn’t interest about Korean for the first time but it doesn’t mean I hate them and the people who admire them. I just feel it is not my style at the moment. Listening their songs without knowing the meaning and what they said it looks not fun. But I know I was wrong, I shouldn’t close my mind for another things.

18. My Childhood

Childhood is the moment where you are growing from the kid to adolescence. Not everyone feeling the happiness when she or he was child but for me childhood is the sweetest moment in my whole life. I enjoyed my childhood very much. My childhood was full of happiness and affection from my parents. I spent my time with my friends to playing together. There were a lot of games that my friend and I did when we were a kid. For example, hide and seek, rope jumping, and many more. Mostly a girls like to play dolls with her friends but not for me. When I was kid I don’t really interesting to play dolls, I prefer play marbels with the boys. As a girls I don’t like to collecting dolls. One day, I played marbels with the boys and I was the only girl in that game. I played very well at the time because I always be a winner for some rounds. The boys amazed, how could it be? but unfortunely in the last round I defeated by them.i also like to spent my time with my friend to played jumping rope, hide and seek and other traditional games.

I guess everyone has own unforgettable story in her or him childhood, so did I. My mother said, I was very stubborn and rather annoyed when I was kid. One day, I was walking near my house with my mother then I saw an ice cream. I asked my mother to bought one it for me but she ignored it because she didn’t bring money. I forced my mother to bought an ice cream for me I didn’t care whether my mother brought money or not. I pulled my mother’s dress but my mother didn’t change her mind then I cried loudly on the street. Everyone stared my mother and I. Maybe they thought a mother has hit her daughter until the daughter cried. Then my mother carried me on the back. I haven’t stop crying when we arrived at home. My mother said, “ didn’t you ashame crying on the street?”. I didn’t care what my mother said. My mother lost her patience. She brought me to the bathroom and and dropped me into the bath tub. She left me alone in the bathroom after she poured all my body. My body was completely wet. I haven’t stop crying although my mother has poured and left me alone in the bathroom. I cried louder and louder and it made my mother angry. She said she will tell to my father about my naughtiness so that my father will scold me. I stoped to crying because I was afraid my father will scold at me. I came out from the bath room and found hair dryer to dried my body up. She stared at me and asked, “ didn’t you ashame that everyone stared at you when you’re crying on the street?”. I just can said sorry at the moment and unfortunely my father didn’t scold at me after my mother told what has happened in that day. He just gave me advice. He said that if I love my mother, I have to promise to not do the same thing anymore in the next day. That was one of my naughtiness in my childhood.

I really miss my childhood where I don’t need to worry, don’t have so many tasks and bear the burdens. All I have to do is just playing, having fun, and laughing without worry about anything else. Childhood is a greatest phase in my lifetime. I really want to back to my childhood and repeat the moments that ever happened in my childhood. I am not a child anymore now. I am an adult aged 20 years old and all I have to do now is study hard and bring my parents to the happiness.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

17. Autumn in Paris

Like I said before after finished reading Summer in Seoul, I will continue to read thesecond novel of Ilana Tan. I fulfilled my promise didn’t I? Last week I went to bookstore with my friend. In the bookstore there are a complete novel of Ilana Tan. Summer in Seoul, Autumn in Paris, Winter in Tokyo and Spring in London. I confused when stood in front of those books. I confused which book that I should buy first. My friend helped me to make a decision and I decided to bought Autumn in Paris. ‘Autumn in Paris’ from the title you will think that this is a romantic story because the setting is in Paris. You also might think that the story will end happily. Is that so? Let’s see.

People said that Paris is a romantic city. Many couple come to Paris to spend the time with their partner. Maybe that is the reason why you might think that it would be a romantic and happy ending story. After arrived at home, I don’t want to waste any time to read the novel. After take a bath, I grabbed the novel and read it. There are some French language on the novel and of course I don’t understand what the meaning but luckily writer wrote the meaning below.

The story tells about a girl name Tara who lives in Paris. He lives with his father. His father is Frech and his mother is Indonesian. His mother live in Indonesia. Her parents didn’t live in the same house anymore because they both have broke up that’s why her mother live in Indonesia. Tara has made a decision to live with father. She’s a broadcaster in a famous radio station in Paris. She has a best friend name Sebastien. Sebastien is an architecture. Actually Tara fell in love with Sebastien since a long time ago but Sebastien didn’t realize it. He just consider Tara as his best friend and his sister. When Sebastien told Tara about the woman he just met or he’s falling in love with a woman, actually Tara mad at him and didn’t want to hear his story even just a little bit. Tara didn’t have any option, so she decided to hear the story but he didn’t show her enthusiasm.

One day, Sebastien introduced Tara to Tatsuya Fujisawa, his colleague from Japan. For the first time Tara didn’t interested in at all with him. Tatsuya can speak French well and can call ‘Tara’ very well. Usually people in French call her name, it will hear so strange even Sebastien can’t call her name well. She gave 8 for Tatsuya because he can call her name very well. Then she increased the score for Tatsuya because she likes the way he talked to other people, the way he welcome someone and he is very polite. Tatsuya almost reached the perfect score. Tatsuya is very mysterious man that’s why Tara being curious about this man. The next day when Tara went to a cafe, she met Tatsuya. They both looked very enjoy when chatting. Then Tatsuya asked her to be his guide to walk around Paris and Tara agree. From that moment they meet almost everyday and Tatsuya started feel comfortable with Tara and they’re closer time by time.

Tatsuya didn’t know why exactly he can feel so comfortable easily. Tatsuya is an introvert man. He won’t tell anything to other people but he can share everything to Tara. Tatsuya actually confused why did it can happen. They’re closer day by day and Tatsuya started to open his heart, he fell in love with Tara. So did Tara, she can forget Sebastien now. She just consider Sebastien as her best friend, no more. They both fell in love and they both also realized it. They love each other and Tara’s days full of Tatsuya so did Tatsuya. Tatsuya has other purpose to come to Paris. He wanted to found his father. His mother has passed away and the last wish from his mother to Tatsuya is finding his father in Paris. After searching about his father, finally he can call his father and asked him to Tatsuya . The old man didn’t know that a man who looking for him is his son. Tatsuya told about everything. Tatsuya’s mother was ever made a relationship with this man but suddenly he left Tatsuya’s mother without knowing that Tatsuya’s mother was pregnant. Hearing about that, the man very shocked and blaming his self.

When Tara and Tatsuya went to Tara’s cafe, they met with Tara’s father. Tara’s father and Tatsuya shocked. Tatsuya shocked because he was wondering what’s Tara’s father doing there and Tara’s father schocked because he also wondering why he was be with Tara. Then they both out from the café for a moment. The man told that Tara is his daughter. Tatsuya definitely very shocked because Tara is his girlfriend now. It’s so impossible to make in relationship with her little sister. After knowing it Tatsuya keep distance with Tara. Actually it hurts hisself and Tara’s. Tara didn’t know yet about the truth she also confused why Tatsuya stay away from her. She was wondering whether she did something wrong or not. Then Tatsuya decided to back to Japan. Maybe he will forget about his problem and Tara after back to Japan. One day, Tatsuya got an accident. A nurse from Japan told Tara and his fatherabout the accident and without wasting the time they went to Japan soon. Tatsuya got serious accident and Tara very sad knowing this and finally Tatsuya gone forever.

Actually before Sebastien introduced him to Tara, Tatsuya already met Tara. Tatsuya interested in Tara from the first time and when Sebastien introduced Tara to him, it was a seconf time he met Tara. He promised if he met with Tara for the third time intuitively, he would try to open his heart that’s why he asked Tara tobe his guide.

16. Summer in Seoul

I just finished read a novel title ‘ Summer In Seoul’. The novel written by Ilana Tan. I borrowed this novel from Zata. She and Dwi have read this novel first. I am curious about the plot so, I decided to borrowed it. At the beginning I bored to read it but fortunely it didn’t happen for a long time. Page by page I have read and make me more interesting to continue reading the novel. From the title we of course can guess that the setting is in Seoul, South Korea. Summer in Seoul talks abaout the girl who live in Seoul alone. She study there and while she is studying there, she also work at a famous boutique. Her parents stayed in Jakarta. Her father is Korean but he decided to live in Jakarta with her mother while she decided to study in Korea. He has a best friend who always there for her if she need her help.

One day, she back from his office. She felt so stress at the time because of her boss. She grumbled all the way and she came into a market to buy some foods. In the market she met a man who looked so mature, friendly and calm. When she in front of the cashier to pay the food that she took, she couldn’t find her wallet while the man stood behind her. She put outside all the things in her bag to make sure the wallet was in her bag. She take a long time to find her wallet so, the cashier let the man to pay first. Suddenly the man’s phone was ringing then he answered the call. After ended the phone, he put his phone on the chasier’s table. Before he put his phone on the chasier’s table, the girl already put her cellphone on the cashier’s table first and the man put his cellphone beside her cellphone. They have a same cellphone, the type, the colour and even the ringtone is same. After finished pay at the cashier’s the man took a wrong cellphone. He didn’t checked it first. He tought it was his cellphone so, he didn’t realize that he took the girl’s cellphone. The stiry began from that.

When she go out from the market, suddenly the phone was ringing. She answered the call but she confused because the man who made a call mentioned a strange name. the girl didn’t know who the man that he mean. After ended the call, she just realized that it wasn’t her. She was sure that the man took a wrong cellphone. She tried to call back the man who mentioned a strange name. The man who was in the market is a manager. His artist is a famous singer in Korea. The manager asked her to come to his house to bringing back the cellphone. When she arrived in his house, the manager welcomed her very well and said sorry for his mistakes. She also met with the artist. At the first time, there wasn’t something strange between them but finally they both fell in love each other and there are some obstacles that they must pass.

It’s a romantic story. It can make my imagination fly away. I imagine if I were is the girl I don’t know whether I can pass all off the obstacles or not. The girl can pass the obstacles patiently and always try to stay calm in every problem even it must be hard for her. Summer in Seoul is not the one and only Ilana Tan’s novel. There are also other novel like autumn in Paris, Winter in Tokyo and the last is Spring in London. I will read all of them and will tell you about the story later.

15. Studying Abroad or Not?

Have you considered to studying abroad? If you ask anybody who has studied abroad, he or she will most certainly tell you that it is a life changing experience and one of the most rewarding things he or she has ever done. Studying abroad will give you many adavantages. When you choose to studying abroad you will give you a better chance to improve your language skill and give you benefits in your career.

Fristly, We have chance to improve our language. I think there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to be immersed in a environment that the people speak the language you are learning. When you suddenly find yourself immersed in a world where everyone speaks in another language, you may be scare if you can’t understand what they are talking about. It will make you try hard and motivated yourself to speak like them everytime. Furthermore, language learning happens most quickly when you surrounded by the language. For example, when you are studying abroad in Holland. You will find dutch language in everywhere, in the store, on the street, in the station, on TV and another places, seeing and hearing people speak in dutch everyday. You can’t get away from it. Everything will become easier when you accustomed with those activities.

There are many career opportunities when you have completed your study abroad. Nowdays, job vacancy for graduating students are very competitive. You’re not only competing for jobs with students from your university or your country but also you’re competing with students from across the world. A study abroad experience on your resume will distinguish you from the others. Moreover, Study abroad identifies you as confident, able to learn quickly and adapt to changing conditions. In job interviews, you can discuss how your overseas experience that make you more independent, responsible, organized, and innovative.

However, studying abroad is expensive. You have to pay not only for your school fees but also for our living cost. But we can find scholarship so that you can studying abroad without spend your money. For example, Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 menara writer also got some scholarship to studying abroad in some countries. He can studying abroad because of scholarship.

In summary, studying abraod offers great opportunities for a better future. It also challenges you how survive you are to live in other country and can make you more independent.

14. Sunday Morning

It is Sunday. It is a lazy time and I will enjoy my Sunday. I woke up in the morning then I took a bath, grabbed my breakfast and watched the television. There is not an interesting progamme in this Sunday. Actually I want to visit my friend’s house but she is not in the house, so I just can stay in the house. By the way I have a presentation tomorrow. I have philosophy presentation. I will presentation about the differences between science and knowledge. I am in the last group with Dwi and Sri. Although it is a group presentation, the lecturer asked us to devided the material so each of us must discuss different case. I will explain about the differences between science and knowledge, Dwi will explain about the way to get science and Sri will explain the differences between science and philosophy. So, when my friends ask about the differences between science and knowledge, I have to solve and answer by my self. I can’t tell to Dwi nor Sri because they both don’t mastered the topic.

I am worry about tomorrow. I am afraid I can’t answer the questions from my friends. I have already prepared myself from last week. I borrowed some book from the books then I read it. I also browsed in the internet about my topic. I must mastered the topic so that I can answer the questions from my friends well. I hope my friend won’t give me a difficult question. I am a nervous person but I wish I could handle it and I can relax when the presentation begin. Tomorrow will be the last meeting for philosophy before final exam. Two days ago my friend lent me movie and I think I should watch this movie.

Suddenly my mother called me and asked me to accompanied her buy a uniform for my little sister. My sister will leave her kindergarten and will enter elementary school soon. I hope my sister will be a good student in her school. Then when arrived at home, I continue to watching the movie. Although I am watching the movie, my mind is not focus on it. I still nervous for tomorrow. Sri texted to me and she said that she also feel the same thing, she also nervous for presentation tomorrow. I try to calm down and enjoy to watch the movie and I did it. I can handle it and forget about the presentation for a moment. I am back to the book, read the subject again and again. Almost midnight now and it means I have go to bed now. I have classs at 9 am tomorrow. I have to get up early and I won’t to be late. I wish the presentation will run very well. good night.


When I look at the big poster of Michael Jackson, suddenly remember the moment when I was join in ‘Flashmob Beat It’. It held on October last year. I was on first semester at the time. Flashmob beat it is a programme where the Michael Jackson’s fans get on together to remembering Michael Jackson. It held at Kelapa Gading and I am one of the participant. I am so interested in to join in that programme because in that programme, I can meet other Michael’s fans from various region. Mr. Irwin as a leader of the show, taught us to how to dance beat it. Besides has function to assemble Michael’s fans, it also has a purpose to singing and dancing together. We should walk around the mall then we singing and dancing together. It will attrack people’s attention and that is our purpose. This programme presented by a fanpage named Michael Jackson Indonesia. Mr. Irwin, Abil, Felicia, Melani and Angie are admins of that fanpage. They held this programme because they want to welcome ‘This Is It’ movie which will release on 28ˮ October 2011.

We are so exciting when heard that the movie also play in Indonesia theatre. They gave special offers to the public. If you take a part in this programme, you will get a premier ticket to watching This Is It movie, a big poster, and limited This Is It shirt. There are only fifty shirts in Indonesia. You also can get This Is It cd if you being the lucky one. I want to have all those things so I decided to join in this show. I asked my friend who also Michael’s fans to join in. He can dancing like Michael Jackson did. He learns how to dancing like Michael and now he can dance every move of Michael’s dancing. When the show start, we start to dancing and singing beat it in front of many people. Move from one place to another place. If the song was over, we will run to another place and start to dancing and singing again. We did it for one hour. It was quite tiring but I had fun and really enjoy the show.

When we finished to dancing and singing, the admins will give marchandises to the participants. We can get a very big poster and premier ticket but for limited t-shirt the admins gave it randomly. They called the participants’ name. actually I am not sure that I would get the t-shirt but suddenly one of admin, Felicia called my name. When I heard she called my name, I am very exicited. I got the limited t-shirt. How lucky I am. Then the admins made a quiz. Whoever who can dance like Michael, will get a This Is It cd. Other participant who can dance went to stage and the admin will give a score. one of the participant is my friend. He did it! He dances very well, so he got the cd. I didn’t took a part of the quiz because I can’t dance like he did. The ticket already in my hand. I will watch the movie the next week with another participants.

I am so happy being a participant of the show. I got everything. New friends , new experience and happiness. That’s only happen once in my lifetime. I can feel the enthusiasm from other participants. That’s all dedicated to the king of pop, Michael Joseph Jackson. This is it! We love you Mike J

12. Senior High School

It was five years ago since I was graduated from senior high school. It is a along time ago and now I am an english letter student on fourth semester. Sometimes when I remember about my senior high school, I want to back to be a student of senior high school. I miss all of the things there. My teachers, friends,environment and everything. I am a shy person and I also rather introvert to other people but when I was on first grade, I found someone who always make me comfortable when I was with her and she also very amusing me. When first time I saw her, I never thought that she will be my close friend. Day by day and month by mont finally I feel so comfortable when I talked to her and I can share everything to her. From that moment we being close friend until now.

When I feel very comfortable to someone, I will tell everything that happened to me that’s why I can share everything to her. Furthermore, My close friend is can be trusted. We were in the same class when we were on first grade.when we were on second grade, we didn’t have a same class ,so we apart but when we were on third grade we get sama class anymore and she sat beside me. Then when we passed from the national exam, we choosed same university to continue our study. We choosed State Islamic University and State Jakarta University. We were going for the test together, we were struggling together and we hope we both can pass the test. When an announcements were out, we both failed to enter State Jakarta University but when succeseed to enter State Islamic University, she failed. She cried and very sad in that day. As a friend, I won’t let her cry and sad all they. I tried to amusing her but I failed. She fell in the deep sadness.

It doesn’t matter if we go to different university, the most important thing is we keep contact each other. She goes to UHAMKA University now as a mathematic student while, I go to State Islamic University. If we miss each other, she will visit or call me so do I. We always meet on the weekend lately. I also miss my teachers. A few day ago I communicate with one of my teacher. I wrote something on her facebook. I am worry she is not recognize me anymore but I am wrong. She still remember me as her student. What a relief! She taught me Indonesia language when I was on first grade. I ever got a punishment because I came late. The class began at 12.40 pm but I arrived at school at 12.50 pm. Not only me who got a punishment but another my friends also got it. The teacher not allowed us to join her class and asked us to stood in the field. That’s be my first and my last time got the punishment from my teacher.

In the end, senior high school is a very unforgetable moment. There are so many thing that I passed when I was in senior high school. Senior high school is a moment where you are growing up being a mature and wise person. You should start to think wisely and learn to take wise decision. you have to thinking before you action.

11. Final Exam

Next week I will get final exam. The time ran so fast. I have to prepare myself and study hard to get a good score. Before the final exam begin, I have to finish my duties which I haven’t done. I also have to work hard to finish all duties. I have finishing my journal writing. There are twenty two journals which I have to write. It’s quite hard but fortunely I have finished some of them. When writing the journals I like to be alone in my room. I need a silence so that I can concentration and focus on my writing. I don’t like someone distrube me when I try to concertration and I also need inspiration to write. My lecturer asks my friend and I to post the journals on the blog. Actually I already have a blog before but I didn’t post something else for a long time and because this assignments I start to posting again J

The questions for final exam must be harder than middle test. I can guess it. All I can do is just study hard and pray so that I won’t get bad score. I have to study together again with my friends who already mastered the material for final exam. For literature, my lecturer gave us a drama text and short story to summarize. She said that we don’t need to get final exam. We just need to summarize the drama text and short story and it will submitted next Friday. The drama text is quite long the the language is spoken language and sometimes not based on true structure. It’s quite hard for me to understand the word but I won’t give up. I have to do my best. I have to get good score.

For philosophy exam I hope the lecturer will let us to open book. Then for my SPI task, the lecturer asked us to improve our paper and will submitted on next Wednesday. For listening and linguistic will have a same schedule for final exam. The schedule for them is next Wednesday. I think I can’t breath this week because so many duties I have to do. Fortunely, my Indonesian language assignment’s done. I already submitted the assignment last week. Those assignments are enough for warming up before get the final exam. Those assignments also almost make my head explode. Next semester I will sit on the fifth semester. Like I said before I feel the time ran so fast. The last, I hope I can do my final exam very well and I get a good score. I wish God would guide me to write the right answer.

10. Should We Speak English anytime or not?

English language is a language which always uses in everywhere and everyone. Day by day we think that we should can speak english. As an international language, english is important and needed. Many people use english as their daily language even the students in another country learn how to speak english well. In their school of course there is english language lesson. Although english is needed and used by everyone in everywhere, it doesn’t mean we must speak english anytime. Eventhough english is important, but not everyone can’t speak english and as Indonesian we also have to speak in Indonesian language so that we are not forget with our own language.

Most importanly, the country which not uses english as a main language like Indonesia don’t need to speak english all the time. In Indonesia, not all the societies can speak english. For example, when you meet a boy in a small village then you ask something to him I don’t think he will understand what you are asking or when you are chatting with your friends about something and you speak english maybe some of your friends don’t understand what are you talking about. How come that could happen? Because they don’t accustomed speak english as their daily language. Maybe they understand what are you talking about but just a little bit. Furthermore english is not their main language. In this case you just can speak english with certain people.

I think some people in Indonesia are not enjoy speak english anytime. As Indonesian we also have to speak in our own language. If we speak english anytime, one thing to be afraid is they don’t interest anymore to speak in Indonesia because they consider speak english is a lifestyle. Whoelse will speak in Indonesia if not we? Should Indonesian language erased from this world? We may not forget with our mother language. Who knows that someday could be an international language?

Some people claim that speak english anytime is a lifestyle so, they will speak english all anytime and anywhere. However, I think some people don’t think so. They just speak english in certain time. When they meet their colleague from other country while their colleague can’t speak Indonesia, you may use english to communicate. Even when you study abroad and you meet with other Indonesian, I think you shouldn’t speak english anytime. You have own language, Indonesia so, why you don’t try to speak Indonesia anytime?

in short, for me speak english anytime is not needed because in Indonesia, english language is not main language. You have to adaptable with your environment.

9. One Thing to Represent Your Country


Indonesia has many things to show off to other country. Indonesia is very rich of the nature and culture. Many people from other country are impressing with Indonesia’s culture and of course the nature. Those are the reasons why they are curious about it and want to visit to Indonesia. Indonesia has many traditional dances, clothes and arts. Those are can being something to represent to other country. If I asked to represent one thing to other country, I will choose batik.

Batik is a craft that has a high artistic value and has become part of indonesia’s culture especially Java since a long time ago. I think batik has worldwide porpularity now because people from other country know about batik. For example, in Japan. I heard that Japanese citizen recognize that batik and its patters as a culture of Indonesia since hundred years ago. Batik clothing, especially shirts have been widely recognized by Japanese society. Japanese society often wear batik when the summer comes because they think that batik is simple, made ​​from thin material so, they like to wear it. It shows that batik is very famous and it also shows that batik as an Indonesia’ culture can impress other people in other country. We have to proud of it.

When I represent batik in other country, I will show the gracefulness of batik. Batik has many beautiful patterns and designs which can make other people more impressing in batik. I will tell them that when they wear batik, they will look very handsome and beautiful because batik can shows your handsomness and beautifulness. Agnes monica wore batik when she was being an MC of music program in America. She looks so beautiful with it. She designed it by herself and it looked so modern. When she wore it in America, other people around her admired her and her dress. She said that they also want to wear the same dress like Agnes because it’s so beautiful. It can be the way to represent batik to other country. Even some tourisms come to Indonesia to learn how to make a batik and as you know make a batik is not an easy thing. They want do that because batik hypnotized them. From that facts, we know that batik is very amazing and has a high value and as Indonesian we have to proud because have it.

8. My Sweet Room

Everyone must be have favorite place in their house to take a rest, finding inspiration, and can do everything freely so do I. my room is the place for resting and be my favorite place. I can spend my time in my room. Although my room is not quite big, but I feel so comfortable when I am there. I can describe how my room is. In my room there are three big posters and a small posters. There are poster of Michael Jackson, CN Blue, Super Junior and Shinee. Among them Michael Jackson poster is the biggest. Then there is a set of shelf for my books, CDs and DVDs. A cuproad, laptop, my picture with my brother when we were kid and bed also in my room. It is a simple room, isn’t it? When my mood is not good or my mother scold me, I can spend my whole time in my simple room. I can do everything in my sweet room. Usually I spend my time in my room to finish my duties, listening to the music, reding novel, imagine about my future, and of course sleeping but I don’t eat in my room. My mother will angry if I do that.

My room is my second home. Although it is in my house but I don’t know why I consider that my room is my second home. Maybe because I feel comfortable and spend my mot time there. I have my own room since I was in second grade of junior high school and know I am in fourth semester. It means I have my own room since more or less six years ago. For me have own room is better than you have to share your room with your sister or brother. It’s more comfortable if you have own room. For the people who afraid sleep alone have an own room is not an easy thing but for me sleep alone is not a big trouble. But like I said before I prefer to sleep alone and have own room. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to share my room to others. When my friend, my aunty or my grandmother spend the night in my house, of course I will share my room but when my parents give me two options whether have own room or share my room with my sister, I will take the first option. You can call your room is your prive room. I agree with it because not everyone can come into your room. If someone will enter your room, she or he must knock the door and have a permission from you whether she or he can enter to your room or not.

When your parents give you own room, it means that they teach you how to responsibility of something and teach you being the independent one. When you have an own room, you bear a responsibility to take care of your room, keep it clean and neat. You have to clean up your room so that free from dust. Neat or not you are can shows from your room. If your room is neat and clear and everything well constructed, it shows that you are the neat person because you are not lazy to clean up your own room by yourself. Your parents must not disappointed with their decision to give you an own room because you can keep and take care of your sweet room but if your room is dirty, dusty, everything is not well constructed, your clothes or pants are over on the floor, it shows that you are not a neat one. It also shows that you are not an independent one because you can’t keep your room. You should clean it up by yourself and shouldn’t asking your mother or servant to clean up your room. You can keep your own well and let your room dirty and messy. When you have own room you have to manage your room and won’t let it messy. Let your room messy and dirty is an irresponsible action.

Indeed, you have to keep and take care of your room clean and neat so that you can feel comfortable when your are there. Don’t let it mess and dirty and also be responsible with your own room.

7. My Hope For English Letter Department

I am in fourth semester now. I have been studied in English Letter Department for two years. Few days later English Letter will celebrate its anniversary. I heard that English Letter is the oldest. My wish for English Letter is I hope English Letter can better in everything. I also heard that some lecturers ever studied in abroad for a few year. I hope they can share with us about their experiences when they were studied in abroad. Although when hear their story we will envy, but it also can make motivated us to study in abroad. They also can tell us the differences between study in own country and in abroad. The system, procedurs and environment must be different. I wish they can motivated us to do the same thing like them, study in abroad. I know it is not the easy one but I hope the lecturer can help us. As an English Letter Department student, I feel my english is not really good. I hope the lecturer can help me to improve my english and help me to increase my ability in speaking english so that I can study in abroad. I wish I could.

I also hope the lecturers can more diligent and enthusiasm when they teach us. I don’t mean to say that the lecturers are lazy and not enthusiasm when they teach us. They are have a skill to teach us well. I think the English Letter Departement should make a new program study. I believe English Letter can make something new for the students. As an English Letter Department, using english just in the class sometimes can make us boring and not really effective. In the class, we learn the theory how to speak english well, learning about grammar and everything. But when we practice to speak english in the class with friends or the lecturer, we can do it well. Practice speak english in outside like in hotel or restaurant maybe will make us motivated to try hard speak english. It also can motivated us to learn english well. If you are an english letter department but you can’t speak english well, you must be ashame with yourself. When you speak english outside with other people but we can’t speak well, we won’t be proud of ourshelves. That’s why practice our english in outside can make us know how good our english are and can motivated us to speak better. Learning english is not just a theory but also we have to apply and practice it in outside.

In short, my wish for English Letter Department is can give us new method and something fresh which can make us enthusiasm in learning english. Practicing our english out of class in needed to know how far we can matered english.